How to be a better engineer

Recently I was selected as one of the experts to share my insights in the collaborative LinkedIn article “How can programming language skills improve your job security?”. I delve into the importance of programming skills in today’s job market, covering the best languages to learn, effective learning methods, and key habits for career growth.


Learning programming skills can assist in solving problems in more creative ways, leading to enhanced productivity and efficiency. These skills foster logical thinking and help in breaking down complex problems into manageable chunks. Many individuals, through their use of Excel formulas and VBA scripts, may have unknowingly developed these skills. This implies that one does not need to be a software engineer with extensive foundational knowledge to acquire programming language skills. Furthermore, the advancements in AI are making these skills more accessible and valuable, even for those outside traditional software engineering fields.

which languages to learn

Before embarking on learning a programming language, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. In the early stages of your programming journey, it’s advisable to focus on a specific area that not only aligns with your objectives but also sparks your enthusiasm. This focused approach ensures a more engaging and effective learning experience, paving the way for a deeper understanding and expertise of the chosen language.

  • Go/Python/Node.js for HTTP servers.
  • Swift/Kotlin/Flutter for mobile apps.
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript for websites.
  • Python/R for data processing.

ways to learn

There are many interactive coding websites that will provide you with all you need to start learning programming languages. Additionally, pick up some books related to the programming language you are interested in learning. I would recommend O’Reilly books.


To improve in a certain programming language, you must put it into practice. Practice, practice, and more practice is the key to mastery. Be open to criticism, seek improvements, read official documentation/books/blog posts, and familiarise yourself with popular, widely used codebases. Keep up to date with new programming language features.


There are many different habits to develop that can help you as a programmer.

  1. Health: Maintaining good health by having a balance diet, regular exercise.
  2. Mental well-being: Practising meditation and mindfulness can help you maintain your cool in stressful situations, like an incident, or managing stress while solving complex problems.
  3. Curiosity: Actively seeking new information, asking questions, exploring the latest technologies and methodologies, delving into the nuances of programming languages and frameworks, and staying open to learning and experiencing new things.

These habits collectively form the best approach to nurturing a robust and dynamic programming career.

let’s connect

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Whether you’re just starting in programming or looking to enhance your existing skills, your insights and stories are valuable. Feel free to reach out and share your journey, or ask any questions you might have. Let’s continue this conversation and learn from each other!